Dark-Hunter Wiki

An old war dog, and one of the best soldiers and generals who ever led a Greek army, Galen was through with fighting and wanted nothing to do with it. Retired, he intended to spend his old age with his daughter and grandchildren. But when the king promised him more coin than he could say no to and a chance to knock around the royal brat, he took it.

Nothing has pleased him more than training Styxx for war, and having free rein to kick his butt.

Athena is his patron goddess.

Galen had two sons and two daughters. His one son died from a fall from a tree and broke his neck. Galen slipped and fell in a battle. His son, Filipo, ran to him to save his life. Just before Filipo reached Galen, an enemy axe cut Filipo's head off. Galen's youngest daughter died of a fever,
