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In Sins of the Night, Alexion tells Danger about how every once in a while a group of Dark-Hunters rebel against Acheron. He tells her about a Dark-Hunter named Erius, who has spent the last two thousand years as a shade because of this.

“At one time, he thought he could be a god. He thought all he had to do was kill humans and suck out their souls like a Daimon. Just like Kyros is trying to do, he gathered together a group of Dark-Hunters to revolt against Acheron and Artemis. He told them that he could lead them to freedom. That all of them had the ability to be gods too. All they had to do was listen to him and follow his example.”

Swallowing against the sudden lump in her throat, she looked up at him, searching for the truth that was finally coming to light. “Are you the one who killed him?”

“No,” he said, his tone and gaze gentling. “Acheron did. He went to him and tried to explain everything, but Erius refused to listen. He had it in his mind that Acheron had discovered the secret of the Daimons’ powers and that Acheron was hoarding the secret from the rest of them. All Acheron’s presence did was anger him more, and in the end that was what caused Erius to damn himself. It was the last time Acheron went to a Dark-Hunter to try and save him.”

Sins of the Night, page 86
