Dark-Hunter Wiki

The son of Zeus and Leto, Apollo is the twin brother of Artemis, who delivered him herself. He’s the god of music, prophecy, and most importantly, plagues. Centuries ago, he made a bet with Zeus that he could create a race superior to mankind. With his own blood, he made the Apollites and gave them the gift of psychic powers. Taller and stronger than humans, they were to replace us and thereby allowing Apollo to replace Zeus. Furious, Zeus declared war on the Apollites and they were driven to live on Atlantis.

The humans, fearful of Apollo’s plot and the strength of the Atlantean race, offered up Ryssa, the most beautiful maiden among them, to be Apollo’s mistress. Apollo was instantly in love and doted on her constantly. But that didn’t go over well with the Apollite queen. Jealous and angry, she sent out a war party to kill Ryssa and the newborn son she’d conceived from Apollo. They were to rip them apart and make it look as if an animal had done it. While he had Ryssa as his mistress he was also in love with her brother, Styxx, and had marked him with his symbol and kept him as his pet.

When Apollo found out what had happened, he instantly cursed all members of the Apollite race to die painfully on their twenty-seventh birthday (the age he thought Ryssa was when she died). They were never again to be able to eat food, but rather their own blood would sustain them. Most of all, they were banned from daylight so that he would never have to suffer looking at them again and be reminded of their treachery.

Apollo and Acheron are rivals and Apollo was the one who killed Acheron during his mortal life.

When the Greek and Atlantean pantheons teamed up to try to sacrifice Acheron, they were defeated and Apollo was captured. He was delivered to Apollymi, who gave him to Kessar. Apollo and Kessar struck a deal and they attacked Olympus together. After they were vanquished, Apollo fled to Camelot, where he now plots with Morgen Le Fey.
